A bill which enables creation of commercial divisions in high courts and commercial courts at the district level was introduced in the Lok Sabha on Monday.
Law Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda introduced The Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Bill, 2015.
According to the bill, the commercial courts shall be constituted at district level except for the territory over which any high court is having ordinary original civil jurisdiction.
The commercial divisions shall be set up in those high courts which are already exercising ordinary original civil jurisdiction such as Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, and Himachal Pradesh High Court. The commercial division shall have territorial jurisdiction over such area on which it has original jurisdiction.
The minimum pecuniary jurisdiction of such commercial courts and commercial division is proposed as one crore rupees.
The Law Commission of India, in its 253rd report, had recommended setting up of commercial courts, commercial divisions, and commercial appellate divisions in the high courts for disposal of commercial disputes of specified value.