The BJP on Wednesday stepped up its attack against the Trinamool Congress by demanding the resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in the wake of a sting operation showing her party leaders allegedly receiving money.
"All their MPs shown taking money should resign. Their leader (Mamata Banerjee) should also resign as earlier over similar case she had quit the NDA (Vajpayee government) once," union Minister Prakash Javadekar told reporters, alluding to the Tehelka tapes revelation when Banerjee had quit as the railway minister.
BJP MP from Asansol in the state and union Minister Babul Supriyo said the issue was about corruption and not mere politics.
"This is not a question of politics. It's an issue of corruption. People know it well while Didi (Mamata) moves around in chappals, her party colleagues are no less than crorepatis (rich). Most of us are not surprised by the allegations of corruption against Trinamool leaders," Supriyo told IANS.
He said the portal that did the sting operation against Trinamool leaders has done a "good service" to the people of the state and would help the electorate make up their mind for the elections.
"Didi (Mamata) herself says, people always give their verdict in the mandate in the ballot box. Let us see how they decide in upcoming elections," he added.