Condemning the Trinamool Congress for launching personal attacks on its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, the BJP Tuesday demanded a white paper on West Bengal ruling party's connection with the Saradha chit fund scam.
Interacting with media persons here, Bharatiya Janata Party state unit chief Rahul Sinha sought to know why the Trinamool was rattled by the questions regarding sale of party chief Mamata Banerjee's paintings for a whopping price and demanded it come clean on the chit fund scam.
"Trinamool should come out with a white paper about the sale of Banerjee's paintings as well as its connections with Saradha and those involved in the scam. The people of Bengal want to know all the truth," he said.
Contending that several Trinamool leaders including the chief minister have repeatedly claimed the party raised funds by selling Banerjee's paintings, Sinha asked why Trinamool was apprehensive of divulging details about the transactions involving the artworks.