Two BJP members on Wednesday accused the Lok Sabha secretariat of tampering with their questions, prompting Speaker Sumitra Mahajan to assure them of a probe into the matter.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member from Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh Chintamani Malviya alleged that his question was tampered with while another BJP member from Jharkhand's Kodarma, Rabindra Ray, said that the subject of his question was completely changed.
Lok Sabha Speaker Mahajan assured the members of a probe into the matter, after they raised their concern in the House during Question Hour.
"I will ask for the original questions and will check," Mahajan said.
Earlier, Malviya said: "My question was tampered with."
"I want your protection. An additional subject was added to my original question. This issue of tampering should not be taken otherwise. There are some personnel who try to put their words in the mouths of MPs and that too against MPs," Ray said before asking his question.
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He added that it was a serious matter and must be looked into.
In their list of questions for oral answers, both the members sought to know from the government whether it proposes to make VIP quota in trains paperless so as to save on paper.
Another question asked by the members was whether multiple bookings and no show by VIPs have caused much inconvenience to the travelling public as wait-listed tickets were not confirmed.
However, responding to their queries, Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu said the government has prepared a proposal for the MPs so that they can get confirmed tickets on short notice.
"A proposal is pending with the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats regarding this. We have planned to provide a unique identity so that MPs could get confirmed tickets and are able to cancel it too."
"The problem of multiple booking would be sorted out once this proposal is implemented," the minister added.