The Delhi BJP's women's wing on Monday requested Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi to ensure security for DCW chairperson Barkha Singh after she alleged she had receieved threats by from AAP leader Kumar Vishwas.
A women's delegation, in a memorandum, also urged Bassi to "order proper investigation" into the matter.
Singh has alleged to have been threatened by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Vishwas, days after the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) issued summons to the leader on a volunteer's complaint alleging that her life was ruined since he refused to deny "rumours" of alleged affair between them.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has defended Vishwas and his government issued a showcause notice to Singh seeking her explanation after a DCW team member alleged irregular activities of the commission in handling the complaint against Vishwas.