Actor Tobey Maguire, who will portray Bobby Fischer in his next film titled "Pawn Sacrifice", says the legendary chess champion was vocally very confident about his chances of winning a match.
The story of "Pawn Sacrifice" revolves around Fischer's 1972 match with Russian chess grandmaster Boris Spassky whom he defeated to capture the World championship.
"I am sure Bobby felt tremendous pressure. To be that famous comes with all kinds of challenges. Bobby felt the weight of that. He played chess for 10 to 12 hours a day for years. He had to have had some anxiety about the outcome of the match, although he was vocally very confident about his chances," Maguire said in a statement.
Directed by Edward M. Zwick, the film is set in the Cold War era which covers the battle of strategies during the 1972 World Chess Championship.
To be released on September 18 by PVR Pictures, the movie also features Liev Schreiber as Spassky.
--Indo-Asian news Service