A new book launched here looks at the world that thrives in the shadows, fuelled by money that exchanges hands in the dark and never gets reported -- "The Kala Dhan".
The book, titled 'The Black White & Grey - Re-Coloring The Rupiah', authored by Pragun Jindal and published by Money Worries, looks at the black money menace and ways to curb it.
Senior Congress Leader Manish Tewari and political commentator Paranjoy Guha Thakurta on Tuesday launched the book which attempts to debunk "a lot of lies, unknown facts and baseless rumours about Black Money".
"A delinquent like poverty only affects the poor, unemployment affects those who are unemployed, alcoholism and drug abuse affect those who devour them, black money is a hitch which does not affect persons who amass 'black dough' but it affects the common man in the populace," said the author at the launch event.