From decoding global operations to comparative analysis of India and China; from
technology to a fictional tale - this weekend the IANS book stack has spread its wings across many genres. Take a look.
1. Book: Economic Growth, Trade and Poverty; Editors: Elumalai Kannan, R.S. Deshpande, Guo Xiaoming and Yeh Zhaomin; Publisher: Konark; Pages: 261; Price:
India and China historically share similar developmental issues with differential
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policy strategies. The last two decades have seen significant activities and
resultant growth as these giants have surged remarkably. Trade played an important role in boosting the economic growth. However, rising inequalities and higher levels of poverty have been major issues haunting their policies.
The essays in this volume, contributed by experts from the two countries, focus on
issues related to trade, special economic zones, food security, economic reforms, poverty reduction, demographic dividend and finance. Institutional problems that affect sustained economic growth and the concerns about sharing of growth benefits with the weaker sections of the society are also discussed.
2. Book: How Google Works; Authors: Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg;
Publisher: Hachette; Pages: 286; Price: Rs. 650
In this book, the authors explain how the confluence of three seismic changes - the
internet, mobile and cloud computing - have shifted the balance of power from companies to consumers. The companies that will thrive in this ever-changing landscape will be the ones that create superior products and attract a new breed of multifaceted employees whom the authors dub "smart creatives". This book codifies the recipe for how Google innovates and how it empowers employees to succeed.
3. Book: The Surveyor; Author: Ira Singh: Publisher: Picador India; Pages: 273;
Price: Rs. 350
August 1947. Ravinder joins the Survey of India, about to devote his life to mapmaking, traversing uncharted territories and braving the elements. Alone in his tent, he devours books by the light of a lamp. He militates against a tyrannical father and a faith he cannot be true to.
In 1958, he falls in love with Jennifer Robbins, an Anglo-Indian, the daughter of
Grace Robbins. They marry and have two daughters, Anushka and Natasha.
Natasha is the chronicler of this family of outsiders, peering from the wings as her elder sister takes centre stage. Hers is a journey from the small town to the city.
Natasha's father passes on to her his fierce love of the written word and a
curiosity about cartography. She traces, as he did, the histories of those
relatively unknown surveyors who mapped the country, putting their lives at risk.
She also, in the process, traces his life.
4. Book: Eye for an Eye: decoding Global Special Operations and Irregular Warfare:
A Vision for India; Author: Prem Mahadevan; Publisher: Wisdom Tree; Pages: 187;
Price: Rs. 695
How can India raise the cost of cross-border terrorism for Pakistan?
This book examines the historical contribution of special operations to
counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency worldwide, drawing lessons applicable to
the Indian context. It suggests that rather than emulate the Anglo-American model of special operations, which emphasises technological superiority and high-visibility direct action, India should integrate special operations with aggressive diplomacy and by carrying out preparatory covert actions inside Pakistan.
For this, tasking, intelligence, logistics and training need to be optimised for
missions inside hostile urban localities, instead of the predominantly rural focus
that special operations forces have traditionally developed. With Pakistan remaining committed to the strategic destabilisation of India, despite repeated peace overtures from New Delhi, the Indian Army and civilian intelligence community must be prepared to take the war to the adversary.