The Border Security Force (BSF) Thursday arrested a Bangladeshi national and seized gold worth Rs.68.75 lakh from him near the international border in West Bengal's Nadia district.
The seizure was made during a special operation by the troopers of BSF's 113 Bn at Banpur border outpost near Krishnanagar in the district.
The smugger identified as Farooq, resident of Bangladesh' Chuadanga district, was apprehended while he was trying to cross the international border near Banpur village.
"On search, 2.5 kg of gold in form of two plates and some jewellery was found from his possession. The value of the recovered metal is Rs. 68.75 lakh," said a BSF spokesperson.
The BSF has seized over 57 kg gold worth over Rs. 16 crore and apprehended 33 smugglers in the last six months.