The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Friday approved updating of the Air Services Agreement (ASA) between India and Serbia, which was signed on January 31, 2003, a cabinet communique said.
The updated ASA, it said, is as per latest International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) template keeping in view the latest developments in civil aviation sector and with an objective to improve the air connectivity between the two countries.
"The open sky (agreement) has been formalised with Serbia as per National Civil Aviation Policy. Now the Indian carriers can operate to any points in Serbia from points in India, whereas the carriers of Serbia can establish direct operation to four metros cities - New Delhi, Mumbai and two more points to be specified later," it said.
Apart from this, through routing flexibility, any intermediate and beyond point can also be served by the designated carriers of both sides, it said.
The designated airlines shall be entitled to exercise domestic code share operation to any four additional points in the territory of the other party over and above the points specified in route schedule. These four points may be specified at any time, it added.
The designated airline of each party can enter into cooperative marketing arrangements with the designated carriers of same party, other party and third country and both the countries shall be entitled to designate one or more airline, the release said.
In earlier arrangement, only a maximum of two airlines of could be designated by each side.
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