Tamil Nadu on Friday urged the Central government to set up the Cauvery Management Board and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee as per a Supreme Court order and stick to the timeline.
According to an official statement, Chief Secretary Girija Vaidyanathan, Public Works Department Principal Secretary S.K. Prabakar and Cauvery Technical Committee Chairman R. Subramanian participated in the meeting called by the Central government here.
The Chief Secretaries of Karnataka, Kerala and Puducherry also attended the meeting.
The Tamil Nadu team stressed that the Cauvery Management Board and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee should be set up within six weeks of the apex court judgment, the state government statement said.
The apex court on February 16 ordered the Central government to set up the board and the committee within six weeks.
The Supreme Court had reduced Tamil Nadu's share in the Cauvery water to 177.25 thousand million cubic feet (TMC), down from 192 TMC allocated by a tribunal in 2007.
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