The screening of critically-acclaimed film "Girl Rising" and launch of "A Girl's World", a distinctive new series chronicling the lives of seven girls in seven countries, are part of a new programming line-up by CNN International.
"Girl Rising", filmed before the well-known girls' education campaigner Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban on her way home from school in Pakistan's Swat Valley, follows several girls across the globe as they pursue education.
Like Malala, these girls - who come from Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, Nepal, Peru and Sierra Leone - fight to overcome impossible odds to realise their dreams.
Directed by Academy Award nominee Richard E. Robbins, the two-hour film features voice performances by celebrities like Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Salma Hayek, Chloe Moretz, Selena Gomez and Kerry Washington.
"This film gives visual corroboration to knowledge we already have: Educating women and girls has the most optimistic, positive effects on families, communities, and economies worldwide," veteran actress Meryl Streep said in a statement.
"If to see it is to know it, this film delivers hope; reasonable, measurable, tangible hope that the world can be healed and helped to a better future," added Streep.
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"Girl Rising" will air on the channel Saturday and Sunday.
"'Girl Rising' tells an incredibly important story that highlights the critical role education plays in the empowerment of young girls," says Mike McCarthy, senior vice president of programming for CNN International.
Similarly, "A Girl's World", a new series, offers viewers an intimate look at the unique challenges and opportunities this generation of girls face on a daily basis, said McCarthy.
Starting June 24, "A Girl's World" introduces seven new girls from Argentina, Germany, Hong Kong, Pakistan, South Africa, Turkey and the United States, all with untold - yet familiar - stories. It touches upon issues like education, culture, environment, community, faith and family through the eyes of 16-year-old girls.
Equipped with handheld cameras, these girls tell their stories in their own words, providing viewers with an inside look at their motivations, obstacles and dreams.
"A Girl's World" will culminate with a special week of programming on CNN International, leading up to the United Nations-declared International Day of the Girl Child Oct 11.