Coal India Ltd (CIL) on Wednesday said it posted a rise of 3.9 per cent in production in May this year as compared to same month last year.
It produced 42.58 million tonnes (mt) of coal in May as against the target of 44.64 mt, achieving 95 per cent of the target set for the month. It had produced 40.97 mt of coal in the corresponding month last year.
CIL's off-take also rose by 4.09 per cent in the last month as compared to corresponding month last year. Its off-take stood at 45.53 mt in May as compared to 43.74 in the year-ago month.
The state-run miner set a target of 598.60 mt of production in the current fiscal. For FY17, the target of off-take of the company was set at 598.61 mt and out of this, 450 mt will be supplied to power sector utilities.
At the beginning of the current fiscal, coal stock of the company stood at 57.67 mt. This had increased during the last fiscal due to regulated lifting by power utility sector.
In the last fiscal, the miner produced 536.51 mt of coal against a target of 550 mt and its off-take stood at 532.26 mt.
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