A special court on Tuesday convicted Delhi-based firm Rathi Steel and Power Ltd. (RSPL) and three officials for illegal allocation of Chhattisgarh's Kesla North coal block to the company.
Special Judge Bharat Parashar convicted the company and its CEO Udit Rathi, Managing Director Pradeep Rathi and Assistant General Manager Kushal Aggarwal under various charges dealing with criminal conspiracy and cheating.
The court ordered they be taken into judicial custody and fixed Wednesday for hearing.
Senior public prosecutor V.K.Sharma requested the court to award maximum punishment to the convicts for committing an economic offence.
Defence counsel of the accused has sought leniency on the basis of their good conduct during the trial.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had charge-sheeted the company and the three officials.
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An FIR against the company and its CEO was registered on June 19, 2013.