Actor Vidyut Jammwal's actioner "Commando 2: The Black Money Trail" raked in Rs 5.10 crore on its opening day at the box office, say the makers. Producer Vipul Shah says the cast and crew are really happy with its opening.
"Commando 2: The Black Money Trail" has collected Rs 5.10 crore on its opening day, surpassing the first day earnings of Rs 3.69 crore garnered by "Commando: A One Man Army".
"It's opened bigger and better than so many big star cast films, and that shows the level of acceptance of the film and Vidyut. It's very difficult to surpass the expectations in a sequel. 'Commando 2' seems to have done that and the audience is really enjoying the film. We all are extremely happy that the film has opened so well," Shah said in a statement.
The film, packed with awe-inspiring action scenes, is directed by Deven Bhojani and also features Adah Sharma.
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