The BJP Friday complained that "a contrived majority" was used to adopt the report on the controversial 2G spectrum allocations at the JPC meeting Friday and said it will give a dissent note.
Talking to media persons after the meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Committee here, Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yashwant Sinha said the report was based on "wrong facts and falsehoods".
"A contrived majority has been used unashamedly to adopt a report which is based on wrong facts, falsehoods and prejudicial findings," he said.
Charging JPC chairman P.C. Chacko with being "extremely dictatorial", Sinha said points suggested by a large number of members were dismissed.
Party leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said that the adoption of report was a "black day" for democracy.
"It is a shameful day."
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He said a contrived majority has been used "to save Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P. Chidambaram" on the 2G spectrum allocations.
He said the party will give its dissent note in two weeks.
"We will speak of the role of the government on the basis of facts," Prasad said.