In a relief to former Delhi Police commissioner Ajay Raj Sharma, the Delhi High Court has set aside a trial court order that directed the city police to register an FIR against him in a property dispute case.
Justice P.S. Teji last week set aside a sessions court order issuing direction for an FIR against Sharma, which came on a plea filed by Delhi resident Pramod Sharma accusing the former city police chief of fraudulently registering the sale deed of a plot in east Delhi's Ashok Nagar area in his name.
Sharma in a plea filed in the Delhi High Court challenging the trial court order stated that the sessions court never granted him a chance to explain his stand and passed an ex parte order.
The ex-police chief's counsel Pramod Kumar Dubey apprised court that his client purchased a plot in Ashok Nagar area through a sale deed in 2005 and got it registered the same year.
The High Court observed that the trial court order is "not sustainable in the eyes of law".