A local court on Tuesday warned the investigation officer, assigned to probe the alleged telephonic threat by Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav to senior IPS officer Amitabh Thakur, to act immediately as per court directions or face contempt proceedings.
Lucknow Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) Sandhya Srivastava on Tuesday took exception to the alleged inaction of Krishnanagar Circle Officer Bharat Singh and said he had already been given sufficient time and must comply with the court's order immediately.
The court warned of contempt proceedings and fixed January 16, 2017, for further hearing in the case, filed by Thakur.
On August 20, the CJM had quashed a final report sent by police and ordered that the voice samples of Thakur and Mulayam Singh be analysed by the State Forensic Science Laboratory.
The Lucknow Senior Superintendent of Police had handed over the investigation to the Krishnanagar police officer but he allegedly did not act despite repeated court orders.