The Crime Branch of the Delhi police has arrested a cab driver who allegedly supplied firearms to various criminal gangs active in Najafgarh, Dwarka and Uttam Nagar areas, the police said on Friday.
The accused, who was arrested on Wednesday, procured the firearms from Western Uttar Pradesh before selling them in the national capital, the police said.
The accused, who has been identified as Rahul Singh alias Guddu (41), was carrying three sophisticated pistols and a country made pistol when he was arrested by the Crime Branch team from Sector 13 in Dwarka. "The accused used to purchase sophisticated pistols from his contact in Aligarh for Rs 20,000-25,000 apiece and sold them to criminals in Delhi for Rs 50,000-60,000. He also purchased country made pistols (katta) for Rs 2,000-4,000 each before selling them to criminals for Rs 6,000-7,000," said Ajit Kumar Singla, Additional Commissioner of Police, Crime (Narcotics).
According to the police, the accused was supplying fire arms to criminals in the national capital for the last six months. The police are also conducting raids to get to the source of the illegal firearms.