India's star duo of Dipika Pallikal and Joshna Chinappa advanced to the quarter-finals of squash women's doubles, outclassing Malta's Dianne Kellas and Colette Sultana 2-0 in their final Pool game at the 21st Commonwealth Games here on Wednesday.
Having already cemented their quarters berth after beating Pakistan and Wales to top the Pool C, the 15-minute match against Malta was just a formality for the Indian pair.
Dipika and Joshna beat Dianne and Colette in straight games 2-0 (11-5, 11-6) at the Oxenford Studios here.
Earlier in the day, the Glasgow doubles gold medallists beat the Wales pair of Tesni Evans and Deon Saffery 2-1 (11-8, 7-11, 11-8) in a 30-minute battle, to top the Pool and advance to the quarters.
The Indian pair had an easy outing in the first game that lasted for mere eight minutes but were made to struggle in the second which the Wales' duo managed to pocket in 10 minutes.
In the third game, Dipika and Joshna used their class and experience to clinch the affair in 10 minutes.
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Earlier on Tuesday, Dipika and Joshna had defeated Pakistan's Faiza Zafar and Madina Zafar 2-1.