The eighth instalment in the "Fast and Furious" franchise hit cinemas on Friday. It is expected to pull in billions with its famous car racing scenes, featured by breathtaking car crashes and explosions.
Yet it remains to be unveiled how much it costs to destroy all those classic motors and modern super cars in the series. calculated the full damage in the first seven instalments, which adds up to $514 million, Xinhua news agency reported.
The character responsible for the most damage goes to the villain Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), causing about $180 million worth of damage.
In the first movie, there's less than $1 million damage. But by the time of the fifth, damages went up to $100 million.
In the seventh, almost $300 million of cars were destroyed, including one of the most expensive cars in the world.
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As for the upcoming episode, the damage is expected to go up, leaving audience to calculate the new cost of the movie after they sit in the cinema.