Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said Tuesday the formation of a state based on an agitation will set a "dangerous trend".
Abdullah was speaking on the possible formation of Telangana, a decision on which is expected soon. He said a wrong message will be sent if the state is created.
"Telangana is a state being created on the basis of an agitation. It is not based on the recommendation of any panel or reorganisation commission or something else. I think that is a dangerous trend." Abdullah told reporters on the sidelines of a function here.
"All we are doing is sending a message that if you agitate long enough, you will create a state. You are incentivising agitation," he said.
Abdullah added that the step will intensify agitations in other parts of the country.
"You are giving the same impression, whether it is Bundelkhand, Maharashtra or our state (Jammu and Kashmir). What will you tell people in Jammu, go and agitate on roads, if you keep doing it for eight or 10 years, we will make Jammu a separate state," Abdullah asked.
The chief minister said, "If there is a need to create new states, the job should be entrusted to a States Reorganisation Commission."