Global 3D experience major Dassault Systemes and the Karnataka government on Thursday announced the setting up of a Centre of Excellence in 'Aerospace and Defence' in the state aimed at providing high-end training for nearly 1,600 engineers every year.
Karnataka Biotechnology and Information Technology Services (KBITS), a state government enterprise, and Dassault Systemes signed a Memorandum of Understanding in this regard aimed at increasing the employability of students and the professional skills of the aerospace industry in the country.
"Bengaluru is a globally recognised technology hub. The endeavour of the state government is to further strengthen its position through the Centre of Excellence in aerospace and defence sectors," said Priyank Kharge, Karnataka Minister for IT.
The Centre of Excellence in Aerospace and Defence aims at training instructors in academia, working professionals from the private sector, and enhance the practical skills of students and certify them for employability.
"There is an acute shortage of skilled engineers and professionals in the aerospace and defence sector. The Centre of Excellence in Aerospace and Defence will act as a catalyst of growth by making world-class skilled professionals available to the sector," added Samson Khaou, Managing Director, India, Dassault Systemes.
Using Dassault Systemes' "3DEXPERIENCE" platform, the Centre of Excellence will provide access to over 35 years of expertise and technology garnered from collaboration with global leading aerospace and defence companies.