Seventy-nine people were killed and 141 more injured after heavy fighting broke out Friday between two militants groups in Libya's second largest city of Benghazi, an official at the ministry of health confirmed Sunday.
Retired Major General Khalifa Haftar led his self-proclaimed "national army" into Libya's second largest city of Benghazi Friday, shelling many Islamist militant bases, including Ansar Al-Sharia's and February 17 Brigade's compound, claiming his maneuvers were meant to purge the city from "terrorists", Xinhua reported.
The Libyan interim government, however, defined Haftar's action as a "coup" and asked him to exercise self-control and "resist any temptation to intrude".
The interim government has also set up a no-fly zone in an attempt to restrain Haftar's air forces after he threatened to launch more air strikes.