The Delhi International Airport Ltd (DIAL) on Tuesday said it has introduced an online system for requesting slots for general aviation (GA) aircraft operators at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport here.
According to DIAL, the firm which manages and operates IGI Airport, the new system requires the GA operators to request a landing slot, prior to departure from the origin airport through the portal.
"The new system helps make the process more streamlined and will help reduce congestion and delays by balancing general aviation demands with scheduled commercial airline slots," a DIAL spokesperson said.
On its part, the Business Aircraft Operators Association (BAOA) welcomed the move and said that real time and online allotment of slots would bring greater transparency and efficiency in operations.
"If India has to realise its true potential as an economic power in future world, there has to be a robust GA or BA industry wherein freedom to operate business flights is not hampered by lack of infrastructure," the association said in a statement.
"BAOA has been working collaboratively with DIAL to address operational issues in regard to slot discipline and optimisation of existing capacity," it added.
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