The Delhi Assembly on Monday passed a resolution for restructuring of Delhi Administration Subordinate Services (DASS) Cadre.
Moved the resolution, Social Welfare Minister Rajender Pal Gautam said that the DASS officers have been facing "acute stagnation at all levels" due to long pending restructuring of their cadre and resultant lack of promotional avenues.
Noting that the Cabinet approved the proposal on December 31, 2015, he said: "This decision could not materialize till now, even after lapse of more than two years due to lackadaisical and indifferent attitude of the officers responsible for examining such service matters and placing proposals before appropriate authority for approval/implementation."
The cadre will be restructured and parity between DASS cadre and Central Secretariat Services (CSS) Cadre will be established soon.
All procedural formalities for amending the DASS Rules, 1967 and restructuring of DASS and Steno Cadre will be completed by the Services Department within a month.