Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday invited industrialists to invest in various sectors, including education and health, in the national capital and assured them a corruption-free environment.
Speaking at a conference held by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) here, Kejriwal called upon industrialists to become partners in developing Delhi.
"I invite you all (businessmen) to invest in the education and health sector - which is our (government's) highest priority. We are fully committed to providing all possible support in enhancing education and healthcare facilities in Delhi."
He said members of CII can contribute to education and health sectors through corporate social responsibility activities. "There will be no corruption at any level. I assure all of you that we will provide you a corruption-free system."
Kejriwal sought investments in building schools that the Delhi government was planning to construct.
"The Delhi government will be making 25 schools this year. Invest and donate for this project," the Aam Aadmi Party leader said.
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Kejriwal also told the industrialists that Delhi was the best place to do business.
"Although not much land is available in Delhi for multi-national companies, but we can focus on sectors that have a scope to flourish," he said.
The chief minister said a special purpose vehicle will be put to work to clean river Yamuna. "Cleaning Yamuna is also our priority. We will invest in the beautification of the river and make it clean," he said.