The Delhi High Court Wednesday asked the NHRC to deal with the issue of alleged harassment of homeless drug addicts by police officials.
A division bench of Chief Justice G. Rohini and Justice Pradeep Nandrajog told the NGO that brought the issue to the court's notice that the National Human Rights Commission was the apt forum to deal with such issues.
NGO Shahri Adhikar Manch Begharon Ke Liye told the court that police, instead of taking homeless drug addicts to de-addiction centres, had beaten them brutally.
Referring the matter of alleged police brutality to the NHRC, the court said the rights panel will also hear the issue of compensation sought by the victims.
The court also asked police to apprise it about the services available for drug de-addiction for homeless people and the follow-up treatment.
The court posted the matter for Sep 3.