Delhi Lt. Governor Najeeb Jung Wednesday announced Rs.5 crore for the upkeep of night shelters for the city's homeless and also asked the concerned authorities to utilise community halls to accommodate them.
With the past few days recording extremely cold temperatures, Jung has appealed to Delhiites to donate clothes to the homeless.
The Delhi Development Authority has handed over 10 of its community halls to be used by the Delhi Urban Slum Improvement Board (DUSIB) - the agency responsible for the maintenance of night shelters.
The decision came after Jung reviewed the inspection reports of night shelters. Inspection was carried out by government and police officials.
Jung also told DUSIB to provide two blankets to each person at the night shelters.
Officials would inspect the night shelters daily and Jung said that he himself would make surprise visits to the shelters.
The Delhi government has established 221 night shelters for the homeless people, who number over 55,000.