Ahead of the Independence Day, Delhi Police Commissioner Bhim Sain Bassi Wednesday held a meeting of senior police officers from neighbouring states to discuss security related issues.
The meeting was attended by officers of the Delhi Police and their counterparts from Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Himanchal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan.
"The objective of the meeting was to share terror related intelligence and inputs about various extremist outfits and their designs," Delhi Police spokesperson Rajan Bhagat told IANS.
Bassi asked the police officers to intensify anti-terrorist measures in their states, especially tenant verification and checking of guest houses.
In the meeting, it was decided that joint pickets will be deployed at borders from the night of Aug 14 till the completion of Independence Day to regulate the entry of heavy vehicles in Delhi, said Bhagat.
Bassi laid emphasis on increasing police presence, intensive and coordinated checking at vulnerable points, tenant verification, guest house checking and sensitisation of cyber cafe owners, second-hand car dealers, transporters, property dealers, cycle sellers, chemical dealers and public telephone booth owners in order to strengthen the counter-terrorism measures.
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Exchange of information on inter-state gangs and their modus operandi was also discussed.
Bassi also spoke on regular updates and sharing of information on the Zonal Integrated Police Network (ZIPNET) on real-time basis.