A Delhi Police assistant sub-inspector was shot dead by an unknown attacker in the outskirts of Chitrakoot in Uttar Pradesh, police said Friday. The officer had gone to Chitrakoot for a raid to nab a criminal.
Additional Commissioner of Police Sanjay Kumar said that Jai Bhagwan, who was to retire in August, had gone to Chitrakoot to nab an accused in a theft case in Delhi. He was accompanied by Constable Guari Shankar.
They were attacked by an unidentified assailants as they entered Bilehari village Thursday at around 9.30 p.m. The assailant snatched Jai Bhagwan's service revolver, shot him in the bac and fled.
"Local police took him to hospital, where he was declared dead," Kumar said.
Jai Bhagwan, posted at Begumpur police station in outer Delhi, is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters.