Delhi Education Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday instructed all government schools to be white-washed every year during the summer vacations so that "students look forward" to coming to the school.
"Every classroom and every wall in Delhi government schools will be renovated and whitewashed every year during the summer vacations," Sisodia tweeted.
"When students and teachers come back to school after the vacations, they should find the school clean and fresh. Everyone will like it."
He added that preparations have already started to whitewash all the schools and instructions have been issued to the Education Department and the Public Works Department.
In his order, Sisodia has said that renovation work has been completed in many government schools and students are happy with it.
"But we have to ensure that our schools are always well-maintained so that students look forward to attend classes," the order said.
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It added that any laxity in maintaining classrooms as well as the exterior walls will not be tolerated.