Delhi University Professor G.N Saibaba on Friday said that he is determined to rejoin the Ram Lal Anand college as a teacher despite the attacks on him and a a notice from the institution not to enter its premises without permission as it creates "law and order problems".
"Although the college has asked me not to enter the campus, I'm in full capacity to join back as professor since I haven't violated any rules," Saibaba, who was arrested in 2014 by Maharashtra Police for alleged Maoist links and is out on unconditional bail, told IANS.The college had sent a notice to Saibaba on Tuesday asking not to enter the campus and has been warned that violation of this order will be considered "misconduct" and be liable for action.
The letter reads: "It has come to our knowledge that you have entered the classrooms and held interactive session(s) with the students. The Governing Body has taken serious note of your unauthorised conduct of entering the classes during suspension without any written permission."
In a span of seven days, Saibaba has been attacked thrice. He was first attacked inside the college on April 21 and then on April 22.
"The entire college is not against me. When I was attacked (last time) my students stood for me and formed a human chain to protect me. Some of them even got injured. I have event teachers support. A very small section of people who are against me are trying to attack," he said.
The Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) has condemned the harassment against Saibaba through a resolution in Wednesday and also slammed the one member committee set up by the college in demanding documents not relevant to the case at hand.
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"The DUTA finds it unfortunate and unacceptable that, instead of taking responsibility for maintaining law and order in the college, the administration has asked Dr. G. N. Saibaba not to come to college because of the law and order situation.
"Instead, trumped-up charges are being leveled against him and misinformation being spread regarding the conditions of his bail. The DUTA noted that Dr. G. N. Saibaba has been granted unconditional bail by the Supreme Court," the statement reads.
DUTA president Nandita Narain, in a statement, said: "The DUTA demands an immediate end to the persecution and harassment of Dr. Saibaba and his suspension be revoked immediately and he be allowed to rejoin duty with immediate effect as per rules."