Actor-producer Dhanush will make his directorial debut with upcoming Tamil project "Power Paandi", which will star veteran actor Rajkiran in the lead. The project's first look was revealed on Wednesday.
"We are happy to inform that Dhanush is donning the director's hat. He will write, direct and produce this project under Wunderbar Films. While Rajkiran will be seen playing the titular role, actors Prasanna and Chaya Singh will be essaying important characters," read a statement.
Dhanush shared the first look poster of "Power Paandi",
The poster, featuring an ensemble of actors as bikers, comes across as a road trip film, which, according to an official statement, went on the floors here on Wednesday.
The project also stars Prasanna and Chaya Singh.
Sean Roldan has been roped in to composer the tunes, while Selvaraj will crank the camera.
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The rest of the cast will be finalized soon.
On the acting front, Dhanush is busy shooting for gangster drama "Vada Chennai", as he awaits the release "Thodari" and "Kodi".