The Delhi High Court on Monday sought response from a mobile company on a contempt plea filed by Indian cricket team skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who alleged that the company violated the court's earlier order restraining from selling products containing endorsement of Dhoni.
Justice Suresh Kait, issuing contempt of court notice to chairman and director of Maxx Mobilink Pvt. Ltd. Ajjay R. Agarwal, asked him to file a response on the plea.
The court in its earlier order asked the company to refrain from using Dhoni's name while selling any product, including mobiles.
The plea filed by Dhoni alleged that Maxx Mobilink has not paid dues of over Rs.10 crore, which was agreed upon for using his name on the company's products.
It also contended that the endorsement agreement between Dhoni and the company expired in December 2012 but Maxx was still using his name to sell its products and also not paying his dues.
The plea added that the mobile company has still been selling products using Dhoni's name in violation of the court's earlier order that asked the company to refrain from using his name.