Sixty-year-old Tamil filmmaker Velu Prabhakaran on Saturday married actress Shirley Das, who had starred in the former's 2009 film "Kadhal Kadhai".
On Saturday, at the press screening of his latest Tamil outing, Oru Iyakkunarin Kadhal Diary", Prabhakaran and Shirley exchanged rings.
"The register marriage will follow," Prabhakaran told reporters here.
Prabhakaran and Shirley have known each other for over a decade.
Having made his directorial debut with 1989 Tamil thriller "Nalaya Manithan", Prabhakaran went on to direct some well-known films such as "Adhisaya Manithan" and "Asuran".
His "Oru Iyakkunarin Kadhal Diary" released in the theatres on Friday amid a controversy over its adult content.