Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan has applauded the effort made by Pune-based Purushottam Laddha to re-release late filmmaker V. Shantaram's 1972 Marathi film "Pinjra" and says that today we hardly get to see films made by yesteryear filmmakers in theatres due to lack of restoration.
"Just got to know that 'Pinjra' , V. Shantaram's last film, has been restored and re-released in theatres," Aamir posted on Twitter on Friday.
"We don't often get to see films of one of our great filmmakers in the theatre! I'm definitely going for it! Don't miss it! Love," the "PK" actor added.
Set in Tamasha folk musical theatre of Maharashtra, "Pinjra" tells the story of a morally righteous school teacher, Lagoo (Shriram Lagoo), who wants to reform a Tamasha performer Chandrakala (Sandhya), but ends up falling in love with her.
Shantaram, who passed away in October 1990, is best known for directing films like "Dr. Kotnis Ki Amar Kahani", "Amar Bhoopali", "Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje", "Do Aankhen Barah Haath", "Navrang" and "Duniya Na Mane".
Aamir is currently shooting for "Dangal".