Actor Gaurav Sareen, who hails from Punjab, will dress up like a Sikh person for a show. He says the look made him feel at home.
In an upcoming episode of "Krishna Chali London", Radhey (Gaurav) and Krishna (Megha Chakraborty) will dress up like Sikh people.
"I was surprised and excited when the director told me about my new look on the show. I wore a turban with a kurta and pyjama like the sardars from Punjab. I was very excited since I am originally from Punjab and donning the look made me feel at home," Gaurav said in a statement.
Expressing her excitement, Megha said: "I was very happy that I got a chance to become a 'sardarni' on the show. I am originally from Kolkata. This look was completely new and unique for me.
"I was wearing a beautiful Punjabi suit and the makers made sure that I had the right hairstyle and jewellery for the look. I had an amazing time shooting for the scene and the audiences are surely in for a visual treat."
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