The Joint Action Body (JAB) of Delhi University Tuesday staged a protest outside the arts faculty, demanding roll back of the four-year undergraduate plan (FYUP).
The group, a conglomerate of student and teacher bodies, demanded the immediate withdrawal of the new FYUP course and return to the previous three-year course structure.
"Delhi University has become a place of screening. In the name of modernising the education system like other western nations, the university will end up annihilating its eduction structure," said Sunny Kumar, a student perusing his graduation under the new system.
"The new structure instead of enhancing the student's knowledge is declining the quality of education that Delhi University had till last year," he added.
Delhi University Teachers Association president Nandita Narain called FYUP nonsense, as it was tampering with quality of education.
"Its just a burden on the students without giving them any knowledge asset," she added.