The Gurugram police on Sunday launched e-challan facility in the city to punish traffic rules violators, making it the first district in the state to have such a facility, a senior police officer said.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Deepak Gahlawat introduced the new system by issuing e-tickets to a few offenders at Rajiv Chowk here on the Gurugram-Delhi expressway.
DCP Gahlawat said both the system and software for e-tickets were developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), and as of now, as many as 82 machines have been provided to the police controlling traffic on this Millennium City roads.
The e-challan facility will allow traffic police -- the end users -- to automate the process of generation of challans for traffic offences and collect payments against the challans on the spot.
Information about the challans will get updated in the servers in real time.
The system would have components like handheld GPRS terminals and mini impact printers, and the GPRS application server would have an interface for Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP), besides database server gateways for payment processing through credit/debit cards.
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On an average, over 2,000 challans are issued to violators in the city everyday for flouting traffic rules.
According to the traffic police, as compared to a routine exercise, the number of such tickets goes up over 25 times during zero tolerance campaigns.