Actor Sidharth Malhotra, who is basking in all the positive response coming his way for "Kapoor & Sons", says he is still a 'student' in showbiz as "each and every film has been a great learning experience" for him.
"I have been fortunate enough that different kind of roles are coming my way. Each and every film has been a great learning experience for me as an actor," Sidharth said in a statement.
Sidharth entered Bollywood with "Student of the Year" in 2012, and since then he has explored various roles like a lover out for vengeance in "Ek Villain", guy-next-door in "Hasee Toh Phasee" and a boxer in "Brothers". The latest is family drama "Kapoor & Sons".
Directed by Shakun Batra, "Kapoor & Sons" also stars Alia Bhatt, Rishis Kapoor and Fawad Khan. Sidharth will be seen next in "Baar Baar Dekho" opposite Katrina Kaif in a love story which spans over 60 years.