"Elementary", a modern-day Sherlock Holmes and John Watson drama, will end its run with its upcoming 13-episode seventh season.
The CBS show, created by Rob Doherty, will wrap up following its upcoming seventh season on the broadcaster, which does not currently have a premiere date. All 13 episodes of season seven have been shot, reports variety.com.
According to a source in the know of things, the network and producers came to the conclusion to end the show after it was renewed back in May.
"Elementary" has been a workhorse for CBS since its premiere in 2012. The drama stars Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu in a modern-day spin on Sherlock Holmes' mysteries, with Miller playing Holmes to Liu's Watson.
The series has been shuffled around to several different time slots during its run. Season six was originally 13 episodes before CBS extended the order to 21.
The seventh season will premiere on AXN in India in July next year.
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