Though Kolkata always cribs about lack of business activities in West Bengal, it tops the chart of most expensive destination among the metros when it comes to dining out for a duo, a survey said.
"TripIndex 2013 sees Kolkata take from Mumbai the mantle of the most expensive metro though the difference is nominal. Also the hotel room rates have seen a fall across all cities compared to last year, making the overall TripIndex cost more economical in all eight metros, than 2012," Nikhil Ganju, Country Manager, TripAdvisor India said.
The survey done by NASDAQ-listed TripAdvisor took stock of the travel price index of major Indian metropolitan cities. The index helps travellers determine the cost for an evening out for two people in these destinations. It tracks the cost for two travellers for one night's accommodation, a pre-meal drink, dinner and a taxi ride in each city.
The index revealed accumulated cost of hotel, taxi, dinner and a beer bottles would be Rs.10,115 in Kolkata compared to Rs.10,074 in Mumbai and Rs.9,728 in the national capital.