Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan feels his third child, son AbRam, is fortunate and blessed to get loved by all. The actor says more than stardom, AbRam is born for "lovedom".
Film journalist and author Bhawana Somaaya on Tuesday praised the 4-year-old child of Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan on Twitter.
"I just love the way AbRam starts waving at his father Shah Rukh Khan's fans, he is so unfazed among crowds like he is born for stardom," she tweeted.
In reply, Shah Rukh wrote: "More than stardom I believe he is born for Lovedom! So fortunate to get such love from so many, he is blessed."
Besides AbRam, who is often seen with his father during IPL matches, Shah Rukh also has son Aryan and daughter Suhana.