A two-day social entrepreneurship conference focusing on technology for social impact got underway here at the Indian Institute of Technology on Sunday, the organisers, Action For India (AFI) said.
This edition of the annual forum, that brings together the leading 100 social entrepreneurs, technology companies, donors, investors and policy makers, was inaugurated by Sam Pitroda, former adviser to the prime minister, the not-for-profit AFI said in a statement.
Launched here in 2012, with a chapter in America's Silicon Valley, it aims to take social enterprises working on solving problems for "base of the pyramid populations" and connect them to the right knowledge, skills, advice, and technology to help accelerate their work," AFI said.
On Sunday, AFI announced the semifinalists of its Silicon Valley Challenge competition for social entrepreneurs, where the prize is a two-week all-expense paid trip to Silicon Valley, California to interact with leading investors, executives and entrepreneurs, it said.
AFI's financial supporters include Desh Deshpande, former adviser to US President Barack Obama and founder of the Deshpande Foundation, the statement added.