Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Wednesday challenged Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to a debate on the Rs.1.25 lakh crore package for the state announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, that Nitish described as "mere repackaging of old schemes".
"I am sad that Nitish Kumar is hampering our efforts towards Bihar's development. He is making such remarks out of frustration, sensing defeat in the upcoming assembly polls," Gadkari told reporters.
"Every announcement made by the prime minister in the Rs.1.25 lakh crore package is true and will be implemented," he added.
Talking about the Rs.66,000 crore allocation for roads and highways construction in the package, Gadkari said his ministry possessed detailed reports of every project.
Gadkari dared Nitish to an open debate on the special package.
"It's unfortunate that Kumar has been criticising the package since it was announced. I challenge him to a debate on the issue," he said.
Kumar on Wednesday said the Rs.1.25 lakh crore announced as special package for Bihar was "mere repackaging of old schemes" and part of "package politics" before the upcoming assembly polls in the state.