Veteran Telugu filmmaker Kodi Ramakrishna, known for churning out blockbusters such as "Ammoru" and "Arundhati" in mythology and fantasy genres, says that the success of any film depends on its 'story' and 'execution', but not on genre.
"I don't think genres have anything to do with the prospect of a film at the box office. It's the story and how it's executed that eventually decides the fate of a film. We've had so many films across several genres not doing well because of a weak story," Ramakrishna told IANS.
His upcoming Telugu film titled "Avataram" is in the science fiction genre.
"I have made films across several genres. Some of my best films have been in the fantasy genre, but that doesn't prove that I can only make films in it. I don't think any director would agree to the fact that genre decides the fate of a film," he added.
While his films such as "Ammoru" and "Arundhati" were lauded by critics as well as audiences, his other notable films such as "Anji" and "Devi Putrudu" turned out to be duds.
"Avataram", which features senior actress Bhanupriya in the lead, is set against the backdrop of a meteor colliding with planet Earth.
"The production quality will be at par with international projects. It will be a visual delight for the audience. We have collaborated with international visual effects experts for the film," he said.