The BJP Friday said that the UPA government approving a set of proposals by a group of ministers (GoM) on the CBI will not fulfill the aim of giving the investigating agency autonomy.
BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said that the move to give autonomy to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was not only much delayed but was not enough.
"Government should ensure real and effective autonomy to CBI as per the wish of the people, indicated by the courts," he said.
He said if the government had decided to accept the recommendation of Rajya Sabha select committee for appointment of CBI chief through a collegium, "it is because all options - be it from the moral, political, legal or constitutional points of view - were closed for it".
"In the absence of any option, the government was bound to do something," Trivedi said.
He alleged that UPA government has misused the CBI for political objectives.
The cabinet had Thursday approved a set of proposals by a GoM headed by Finance Minister P.Chidambaram on autonomy for the CBI.