Union Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday said the government had taken steps to facilitate a cash-less economy and encourage digital and online transactions to prevent delays and end the menace of corruption.
He was addressing the officers of the Ministries of Information and Broadcasting, Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, according to an official statement.
"The initiative of the Government was an attempt to prevent delays through seamless transactions and end the menace of corruption and black money. The government's JAM (Jan Dhan, AADHAR & Mobile) initiative would also facilitate this transformation," the statement quoted Naidu as saying.
The Minister also said that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's JAM vision would ensure maximum penetration of technology among the masses and maximum empowerment for our poor.
Naidu urged all officers to provide counselling to their staff to move and adapt to a cashless and digital transactions, reducing the role of physical money in day to day transactions.