A Border Security Force (BSF) trooper's minor boy, kidnapped by suspected cab drivers, escaped from captivity and returned to his house here within hours of the incident, police said Sunday.
Prince, a Class 3 student and son of BSF personnel Vinod Kumar, was kidnapped Saturday from Bhondsi village, eight km from Gurgaon city, police said.
"He was kidnapped around 6 a.m. and he returned home around 9.30 a.m. on his own, after escaping from the window of a room where he was kept by the accused," a police official told IANS.
"The kidnappers made a ransom call to the boy's parents demanding Rs.5 lakh," police said.
The kidnapped boy was allegedly taken to a farmhouse near Sneh Vihar, a few kilometres away from his house.
The boy told his mother that a man who was keeping an eye on him at the farmhouse forgot to lock the window of the room in which he was kept and he escaped from there, police said.
Police have booked Ajit Singh, Lala Ram and others, all suspected to be cab drivers and residents of the boy's Bhondsi village, for the crime, police said.